白頰長臂猿分布於中國大陸、越南及寮國,是日行性群居型樹棲動物。公的體色為黑色,母的為黃褐色,最大特徵為臉頰旁的兩塊白毛,新生兒毛色是較淡的米黃色。 通常在清晨06:30開始晨鳴,覓食、戲耍都是群體活動。會將一隻手抓掛在樹枝上,另一隻手採摘食物,兩手交替進行,覓食時不鳴叫。由於棲息地被破壞及森林大火、偷獵等原因面臨極大威脅。 The male white-cheeked gibbon has black hair over its entire body, whereas the female has yellowish-brown hair. Both sexes have distinct white patches on their cheeks. The juveniles are covered in yellow-buff fur. White-cheeked gibbons are generally sociable and live in groups. They usually vocalize (make calls) around 6:30 in the morning. White-cheeked gibbons are facing great threats due to the disruption of their natural habitat, forest fires and poaching.