長鬃狒狒分布於非洲衣索比亞及阿拉伯西南部,也叫做阿拉伯狒狒,是日行性群居動物。公狒狒的頸肩有銀白色鬃毛,母狒狒有棕色的毛髮,但無鬃毛。臉部是紅色的,犬齒長達10公分,是防衛及攻擊時的武器。 由1隻公狒狒帶領最多6隻母狒狒及其幼仔。會以特殊的隊形通過沒有樹林掩蔽之處,公狒狒領隊,母狒狒及幼仔走中間,未成年的狒狒圍在四周。 The feature of the Hamadryas baboon is an abundance of long hair. Males have thick mane and the hair is silvery. Females do not have mane and the hair is brown. They typically live in a group with many females and babies, led by one male. While their habitat may vary somewhat, it must always include sufficient water and steep cliffs.