紅毛猩猩分布於馬來西亞及印尼,是日行性樹棲動物。全身長著紅褐色粗長毛髮,只有臉部光滑無毛,無尾,上肢比下肢長,用腳底和手指的關節來行走。公猩猩成年後,喉袋會鬆弛垂至胸部,臉頰及眼睛上方會長出大塊贅肉。 紅毛猩猩個性安靜,由母猩猩帶領數隻猩猩過著群居生活,公猩猩只在繁殖期前來交配。夜晚會折取樹枝鋪成巢睡覺,每個巢只用一次。 The Bornean Orangutan is just like a philosopher; once they sit down, they can sit for a very long time and appear as if they are thinking. They are very different from the black orangutan. Mature males have an extra fold of skin under their neck, and they also have large distinctive cheekpads. Mother orangutans and their babies have very close relationships, with mother orangutans raising their babies until they are about 7 years old.