台灣黑熊是台灣唯一的原生熊類,也是台灣特有的亞洲黑熊亞種,耳朵大又圓、眼睛小、吻部形狀像狗,又稱狗熊,胸前有V字型斑紋很像新月,又稱月熊。 除了繁殖及育幼期,幾乎是單獨行動,於晨昏覓食,擅於爬樹跟游泳。沒有固定居所,有特殊的築巢行為,不冬眠。有五根趾頭,使用四肢行走以分散體重。有42顆牙齒,用靈敏的鼻子尋找食物與伴侶。 The Formosan black bear is endemic to Taiwan. They do not hibernate, and make temporary nests instead of living in the same place. The Formosan black bear has long claws to climb trees and a thick pad on their paws to disperse their weight. 80% of their food comes from plants, because plants are easier to get in the wild. They are so smart that can get the maximum energy in any kind of environment in a very short time.