馬來熊分布於東南亞,是體形最小的熊。前肢彎曲,足部轉向內側,為典型的「內八」。口吻部較短、耳朵小、毛短色黑、胸前有白色U形或圓形斑紋,乍看像太陽,又叫太陽熊。 馬來熊不冬眠,覓食時吃下果實排出種子,是很好的種子播遷者,對大自然有很大幫助。擅於捕食住在樹洞裡的無刺蜂,會用爪挖開樹洞,再用長達25公分的舌頭取食蜂蛹和蜂蜜。 The Malayan sun bear, which can be found in Southeast Asia, is the smallest bear. They have short muzzles, small ears, short black hair, and a white U-shaped spot on their chest which looks like the sun. The Malayan sun bears do not hibernate. They use their claws to dig holes in trees then use their 25 cm long tongue to feed on pupae and honey.