綠鬣蜥分布於中南美洲,是日行性樹棲型爬蟲類。頸部到尾部之背側有一整排的鋸齒狀突起,公綠鬣蜥頸部有肉垂,耳孔下方特大的圓形鱗片遠大於母綠鬣蜥。 擅長游泳,雄性領域性極強,有以尾巴掃向敵人的習慣,遭攻擊時還可斷尾逃生,腳爪也相當尖利。醒著的時候大多在覓食及找溫暖的地方消化食物。牠們會脫皮,所以有時候看起來外表不是那麼美觀。 The male green iguanas have a dewlap under their neck, and the green, circular-shaped scale under their ears is usually larger than the female. Their whip-like tails can be used to deliver painful strikes, and when grabbed by the tail the iguana can let it break off, allowing it to escape and eventually regenerate a new one. The green iguanas usually feed and digest their food in a warm environment while awake.