弓角羚羊分布於非洲西撒哈拉、西非、埃及和蘇丹,是群居動物,通常由一隻公羚羊帶領5~20隻羚羊生活,多在晨昏活動。 公母都有螺旋狀的角,蹄呈扇狀,強健有力,適合在鬆軟的沙土上行走。在野外幾乎不喝水,從植物中獲取水份,這使得牠們被稱為最適應沙漠氣候的羚羊。 由於盜獵的原因,野外數量極度稀少,目前透過動物園圈養野放來幫助恢復野生族群。 The addax tolerates heat well because it comes from the desert. It has broad hooves for walking in the desert sand. Usually, an addax herd contains from 5 to 20 males and females, leaded by a single male leader. Due to poaching, the wild addax population is decreasing. Now through captive breeding programs, they are reintroduced into the wild.