∙ 繁殖期為4~6月 ∙ 懷孕期約60天 ∙ 每胎產2~4仔
台灣白鼻心為台灣特有亞種,俗稱果子狸,是夜行性樹棲型家庭式群居動物,白天躲在樹洞或岩洞中休息。頭部為黑色,從上額至鼻端有條明顯的白色帶紋。 腳爪能伸縮,是爬樹高手。肛門附近有臭腺,會釋出異味嚇跑敵人,後腳底也有腺體,行走時沿途留下氣味標記,又稱烏腳香。因棲地過度破壞造成族群減少,但對人為干擾頗能適應,常侵入果園偷吃水果。The Formosan masked palm civet has a black head with a distinct white stripe from the forehead to the nose. Their claws are retractable, making it a tree-climbing master. Their anal glands can release foul-smelling scent to scare away the predators. The natural habitats are depleting due to many human and environmental reasons. They are quite adapted to environmental change, and often invade orchards to eat fruit.